The Beginning of Planning a Wedding: The Date

The Beginning of Planning a Wedding: The Date CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'RE ENGAGED! getting engaged is very exciting, but as soon as you start telling others about it, the first question they ask you is: When is the wedding? Something that I have learned in this process, is that the wedding date is the first things that an engaged couple should discuss as soon as possible... although it is okay to knot know it right away. Choosing a Date When it comes to choosing a date to get married, there are a lot of factors to take into consideration: Whether a particular venue is available The availability of the chosen church (if you are having a church ceremony as well) Healthy conditions (of either partner or a loved one) Preferred climate season (and weather conditions in the area you are getting married) Budget Academic schedule Etc. Ask Your Priest (or Minister/Rabbi/Ordained person/Religious leader) If you are planning to have a religious ceremony, i...